Borough of Wrightsville | York County, Pennsylvania


Wrightsville Borough Municipal Authority Rate Table

Click here for more information





Stormwater Appeal Procedures/Stormwater Fee Appeal Form
Click here for more information


Phillip Landis

Vice Chairman

Matt Russ
Fred Smeltzer
Rick McDonald
Nicole Rhoads


Office Manager and Open Records Officer
Lorri Harmer

Finance Officer
Victoria Giandalia

General Manager
Brian Lyle

Swift Reach Notifications

In our efforts to provide more reliable communication with residents and businesses, we have implemented Swiftreach Networks, Inc. as our Emergency Notification System as our service provider. Swift 911 in its simplest form is a system that makes phone calls to specific people or areas in the event of an emergency or for sharing important information. All the calls you receive will have the Caller ID of “Wrightsville Borough Municipal Authority”.

PLEASE NOTE:  The Municipal Authority uses this system to alert residents to hydrant flushing activities.

You can sign up via the internet Click here to print out a copy of the sign up form and mail it to: PO Box 187, Wrightsville, PA, 17368.

Bill Payment Options

For Stormwater Invoices (Blue post cards)
Please make sure these payments are made separately from monthly water bill.  Thank you.
Paperless Billing Option

If you would like to receive your water bill in electronic format, please email Lorri Harmer at with your email address, account number, service address, name and request.

In Person

The convenience of paying your bill in person can be done at the Wrightsville Borough Municipal Office, 601 Water St., Wrightsville, PA 17368.


Mailed to the following lockbox address:
Wrightsville Borough Municipal Authority
P.O. Box #187

Online Payment

When making a payment online, please enter the information EXACTLY as it appears on your bill. For example, if your bill says Mr. Joe Smith, enter Mr. Joe Smith. If your bill says M/M Joe Smith, enter M/M Joe Smith.

The online payment link is only for STORMWATER bills: Online Bill Payment System »

Direct Bank Payment (ACH)

Click here to download the ACH Payment Form and mail to: PO Box 187, Wrightsville, PA 17368 or drop it off in the dropbox located outside the Borough office.

Stormwater Information


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