Borough of Wrightsville | York County, Pennsylvania

Police Department

911 Emergency Contacts

Police, Ambulance and Fire Rescue

IF YOU HAVE AN EMERGENCY, DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL 911. Always call 911 in the event of a true emergency (burglary, traffic accident, assault, kidnapping, missing person, suspicious vehicles or people, etc). If you call the general office number in the event of an emergency, you may not get an immediate response due to our officers being out on patrol.

Non-Emergency Contacts

General Complaints

Call: 717-840-2971 (barking dogs, kids skateboarding, parking violation, found objects, non-active neighbor disputes, animals on the loose, etc.)

Click here to download a Complaint Form.

Police related questions

Call: 717-252-3714 (about a police report, etc) please call and leave a message if you are not able to speak to an officer at the Hellam Township Police Dept.

Police Department FAQ’s

Click on the questions below to reveal the answers.

Do I have to give my name when reporting criminal activity?

When calling 911, you may remain anonymous.

How can I obtain a copy of a police/accident report?

Please contact Hellam Township Police Department  at 717-252-3714

Does the Borough of Wrightsville have a curfew ordinance?
Yes. Chapter 6, Part 4 of the Code of Ordinances for the Borough of Wrightsville. You may obtain a copy of the Ordinance at the Borough office during regular business hours or online by clicking here.
Does the Borough have a Noise Ordinance?
Technically, no. The Borough does not have a specific separate Ordinance addressing noise levels but Chapter 2, Part 2, under Health and Safety provides guidelines regarding noise.
Can I drive my vehicle in Riverfront Park?
No. Please reference Ordinance 2010-1 for more information pertaining to the activities permitted and prohibited within the park.
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